The Five Dysfunctions of a Team

This one-day executive training workshop is a synopsis of the Lencioni's principles of the five dysfunctions of a team, a best selling-book and framework applied by executives all around the world.

The foundation of a great team is trust, and without trust conflict of ideas cannot happen. Without conflict of ideas, teams won't commit to decisions that are made in meetings and won't hold each other accountable to performance standards which negatively influences results (KPIs).

Join this workshop with your executive team to find out what dysfunctions hinders your team performance and how to overcome these.

A thorough assessment is made prior to the start of the training.


Duration: 1 to 2 days.

Location: Predominantly indoors.

Ideal Group Size: 8 to 30 participants.

Best time for course: Year round.

Physical requirements: None.

Target participants: Organizations who attempt to improve teamwork within their executive team.

Workshop language: In English or Thai. Therefore, the participant's level of spoken language should be proficient.

Extras: Accommodation and food can be organized.