Indoor with fun
The indoor with fun (or learning with fun) program consists of eight short and competitive activities and each serves a special purpose.
Jump = Ice breaker activity.
Human knots = Problem solving.
Line me up = Non-verbal communication.
Jump rope = Physical and dexterity.
Magic pyramid = Creativity.
Ring stack = Risk taking and support.
Balloon balance = Out of the box thinking.
Weigh order = Experiential blindfold game.
Delegates are separated into teams and each team must accomplish a challenge (short activity).
There is the planning, execution and debriefing phase.
During the debriefing, players assess their own performance critically and draw conclusions and strategies of to improve their team performance.
Leaders may be selected before the start of each activity and assessed afterwards.
The indoor with fun event can be played in stability mode or in change mode. Stability mode is when teams remain the same throughout the program and change mode is when teams are reshuffled after each activity.
The objective of this team building event is to transfer knowledge in a fun and experiential way, to engage in a team bonding and motivational setting, to be competitive and to win.
The workshop is facilitated by a professional trainer or coach.
Duration: 4 to 8 hours
Location: Indoor and outdoor.
Ideal Group Size: 10 to 60 participants.
Best time for course: Year round.
Physical requirements: Some.
Target participants: Organizations who attempt to improve their workforce's soft skills in a fun and lighthearted way .
Extras: Training venue may be organized by the client or Beunite.